Effidence is a French company created in 2009. Since then, the company has built a strong expertise in autonomous navigation systems for smart handling vehicles applications. This know-how is based on a unique capability to analyze the surrounding by merging the data processing from different sensors.
A large amount of projects have been completed with various type of applications including Agriculture, Defence, Construction, Industry or Warehouse logistics. Effidence delivered its expertise on various type of vehicles, from few tens of kilograms carts to few tons large vehicles.

Since 2016, Effidence focuses its activities on industry & warehouse logistics application. Especially with the creation of its collaborative and autonomous mobile robot: EffiBOT.
Since then, Effidence is committed to delivering to all its customers working conditions improvement and increase in productivity, either for picking/kitting applications or for delivery to assembly line processes.
To extend its range, Effidence associated with the French group Manitou, designer and distributor of handling equipment, in July 2020.
Effidence and Manitou will work hand in hand to provide their customers with a wide choice of autonomous intralogistics vehicles. Manitou will provide Effidence with tuggers and stackers to robotize them.
Effidence will therefore benefit from the help of Manitou’s network for the support, maintenance and sale of autonomous intralogistics vehicles. Complementary solutions of Effidence and Manitou offer a global response to handling issues.
Member of the French Fab
The French Fab is a community that promotes French industry.
Effidence, rooted in the French territory, more precisely in Romagnat, has the will to develop the French industry.
It participates thanks to its innovations, progress and the place that Man takes, at the heart of its evolution and concerns.