Visit to the health and prevention exhibition Préventica

Visit of the exhibition dedicated to prevention and health:

Theme: Working conditions, prevention and reduction of MSDs, at the heart of Effidence’s concerns.

Back in one sentence: “Let’s change the paradigm, prevention is a societal responsibility“, Vincent GIRAUDEAUX, President of the Fédération des Acteurs de la Prévention, Prévhackthon.


– Today, working conditions are a central criterion for employee choice and loyalty.

– The question of arduousness and professional wear and tear at work is fundamental: what are the risks of health deterioration in the company? What vigilance and prevention is put in place to reduce this?

– Work is polycentric: it is not only about financial stakes, but also about self-fulfilment; work must be rewarding.

– Faced with occupational risk factors, companies have a duty to put in place actions that protect the health of their employees.

– More and more employees are stopping work because of MSDs. Companies must link health issues to tomorrow’s productivity models.

AMR Effidence supports you as a responsible company and relieves your employees by offering them better working conditions.